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Lake Level Management

The lake weir, located at the lake outlet was reconstructed in 1999 with a concrete weir at a level of 803.5 feet above sea level. Its purpose is to keep the lake level as constant as possible during the varied weather conditions that are experienced in the region. When the lake level exceeds 803.5 the water flows over the weir into Honeoye Creek. During times when the lake level drops below 803.5 the weir prevents additional water from draining out of the lake. The Honeoye Valley Association purchased and installed a lake level monitor in the lagoon at Sandy Bottom Park in August 2004. This allows monitoring lake level on a continuous basis. The USGS operated a similar lake level monitor from 1971 to 1995, when it was removed for budgetary reasons.

concrete weir in water

Honeoye Lake Water Levels

Lake Level Last 2 Years
Lake Levels Last 30 Days


NOTE: The lake level information is being provided by the Honeoye Valley Association. The above website document is updated every 6 hours. The readings are for general information purposes only and the Honeoye Valley Association does not certify the accuracy

chart of historical lake levels

Honeoye Lake Watershed Task Force Members:

Town of Richmond

Town of Canadice

Town of Bristol

Town of South Bristol

Town of Naples

Honeoye Valley Association


Logo with outline of Honeoye Lake Watershed Town boundaries
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