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Monday August 1, 2022 Honeoye Lake Water Quality

Terry Gronwall

Surface Water Temperature: ~77.5 F

Water Clarity: ~7.3 Feet

Lake Level: 802.9 Feet above sea level

Lake Level Relative to Weir: -0.6 Feet

Observations: Monday (8/1/22), The water clarity has increased ~0.3 feet to ~7.6 feet and the surface water temperature was decreased ~0.8 F to ~77.5 F over the last week. The lake is still stratified at 7.5 m (`24.75 Feet). The lake looked very good today!

There was visible algae in the water column at most of our HAB monitoring locations. It looks like green dots in the water column. We did not see any areas with surface algae scum. However, we were not able to get good algae samples to take microscope images of today so we can’t be sure of the current blue-green algae species present in the lake.

The DEC recommends that you, your family, and pets avoid contact with water that contains a blue-green algae bloom. Everyone should be very careful to watch for blue-green algae blooms for the next few weeks.

The lake is still stratified at 7.5 m (`24.75 Feet). You can see this by the divergence of the temperature and dissolved oxygen graph lines for the various depths on the left. Today (Monday 8/1/22) the dissolved oxygen at 7.5 m (~24.75 feet) was only 0.44 mg/L low enough to weaken the phosphorus iron bond releasing phosphorus into the deep bottom water again. About 400 acres of bottom sediment is 7.5 m or deeper. Surface water temperature was ~77.5 F and bottom water temperature was ~72.3 F. 1-meter equals 3.3 feet.

Always use your own visual assessment before making contact with the lake water at this time of year as the blue-green algae situation can change daily if not hourly. Please regularly check the DEC HABs alert map for more detailed updates on Honeoye Lake HABs alerts:


Program Description:

"Want to make a difference in your community? Want to help the environment? Need a reason to get outside and back in shape? Join the Trail Trek! The Trail Trek is a volunteer initiative by the Finger Lakes PRISM to find three of our worst invasive species across the FLX in the month of August.

Taking part is easy, after a brief virtual training, on 8/8 @ 6pm, you will record the presence of these three species if you come across them on a hiking trail, in a park, or in your backyard. Invasive species are one of our greatest environmental threats. Don't just sit on the sidelines - help us fight invasive species!

Email any questions to"

We will be holding a virtual training for the Trail Trek on Monday, August 8th @ 6pm. Volunteers can register here: or by using the QR code on the attached flyer.

Please let us know if/when you share this information, and if you would like to collaborate on an in-person Trail Trek training or related invasive species activity.

Thanks for your help!

Matt Gallo


Terrestrial Program Outreach Coordinator

Finger Lakes Institute – Finger Lakes PRISM

Hobart and William Smith Colleges


P: 315-781-4389


The Town of Richmond has obtained an emergency DEC permit to dredge the shale and sediment deposits out of Mill Creek from just behind the Mill Creek Café to the 20A bridge and under the 20A bridge in the NYS DOT Road right away. Last week (Week of July 25th) they installed more large rocks on the Mill Creek stream bank, south of the Mill Creek Café, to prevent erosion. This week they intend to continue installing large rocks along Mill Creek’s stream banks. See attached picture. This project should reduce flooding risk from Mill Creek in the Hamlet and lessen the negative impact Mill Creek is having on the Outlet Creek flow. Richmond is working on a long-range plan to address other stream flow issues in the Outlet Creek and Mill Creek. We will keep you posted.


- Click on this link for the Winter 2022 HLWTF Newsletter:


- Click on this link to see the new HLWTF Honeoye Lake Watershed Storm Water Took Kit if you are planning any storm water projects on your property:

- Click on this link for "Honeoye Lake: 2021 State of the Lake article":

Draft Aeration Planning Project Report, Public Information Meeting Presentation, and WebEx recording posted on the HLWTF web site:


Click on the blue outlined box that says "Log in / Sign up" in the upper right-hand corner of this page to sign-up to be notified when we update our weekly Honeoye Lake water quality blog.




Honeoye Lake Watershed Task Force Members:

Town of Richmond

Town of Canadice

Town of Bristol

Town of South Bristol

Town of Naples

Honeoye Valley Association

Logo with outline of Honeoye Lake Watershed Town boundaries
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