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Monday May 17th, 2021 Honeoye Lake Water Quality

Terry Gronwall

Surface Water Temperature: 62.8 F

Water Clarity: 14 Feet

Lake Level: 803.3 Feet above sea level

Lake Level Relative to Weir: -0.2 Feet

Observations: Monday (5/17/21), The water clarity has increased 2 feet over the last week and the surface water temperature has increased 6 degrees Fahrenheit. There was no visible algae this morning. The lake has started to stratify around 16-17 feet. This is very early in the season for the lake to start stratifying. We will be collecting and posting water quality data weekly now.

The lake was beautiful this morning!


The NYSDEC has recently released a new report “Feasibility Assessment of Harmful Algal Bloom Management Options for Honeoye Lake and Conesus Lake” as a follow-up to their 2018 Honeoye and Conesus Lake HABs Action Plans. Click on the link below to see report:

This report evaluates various techniques for mitigating Harmful Algae Blooms in Honeoye Lake by preventing the release of legacy phosphorus from the lake bottom sediments.

An Alum Treatment recommendation for Honeoye Lake is discussed on pages 18-25. Estimated cost ~$782,000. Estimated life span ~5 years. Currently, an Alum treatment is not a NYSDEC permittable technique. The NYSDEC is still evaluating pilot Alum treatments that they did in two lakes in the Lower Hudson Valley in 2018 before deciding on whether or not Alum treatments will be allowed in New York State again.

An aeration destratification system recommendation for Honeoye Lake is discussed on pages 27-37. Capital cost is estimated to range from $850,000 to $1,800,00 depending on how close the air compressor could be located to the deep water where the air diffusers would be located. Estimated life span 15-20 years. This report did not address the annual operating and maintence costs which would be significant. Honeoye Lake would potentially be eligible for NYS grant funding for an aeration system of up to $1,000,000 with a requirement for a local match of 20%. An aeration system is potentially a DEC permittable technique for a polymictic lake like Honeoye. Our current aeration system engineering planning grant will provide us with significantly more engineering detail and cost information to evaluate whether or not aeration is a viable option for us to consider.

HABs mitigation strategies for Sandy Bottom Park Swimming Beach are discussed on pages 44-47. The recommendation was to install a sedimentation curtain around the swimming beach. Estimated capital cost of ~$20,000. The report did not address the annual maintence cost.

Click on this link for "2021 Honeoye Lake Aeration Engineering Planning Project"

Click on this link for newsletter: e6fc30_ef8d01223f42408ba11b3a7a5f83bebe.pdf

Click on this link for "2020 Water Quality: What, Why, What's Next"



Honeoye Lake Watershed Task Force Members:

Town of Richmond

Town of Canadice

Town of Bristol

Town of South Bristol

Town of Naples

Honeoye Valley Association

Logo with outline of Honeoye Lake Watershed Town boundaries
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